Upsilon-ERP Help System
Log Viewer
Upsilon-ERP > Settings > Tools > Log Viewer

The Upsilon Log Viewer option is used to view the Upsilon system event log.  Whenever a user accesses an option in the system or inserts, updates or deletes a record the event is logged in the Upsilon system log along with other information such as the name of the user and their IP address.

For further help on the data grid and form options click the respective tab pages below.

The Upsilon Log Viewer DataGrid allows you to browse, filter and sort the system log records that have been generated by Upsilon.


Toolbar Item Description

The Quick Search option can be used to quickly filter the grid.

NOTE: Fields searched by the Quick Search option are User Name and Application.
The search button can be used if a more detailed search is required.  Using this option the grid can be filtered by any value in any field.
The Export button is used to export the grid records to an external, downloadable data file.  Supported file formats are MS Excel, CSV and XML.  At time of export there are also options to specify which columns are included in the exported data along with other file type specific options.
The Settings button can be used to customise the column layout of the grid by adding or subtracting grid columns.  The status of the grid can also be saved so that the required grid status can be loaded again at a later time.
Refresh the grid.
Calls context sensitive help system.