Upsilon-ERP’s Sales Order Processing Module allows you to create, analyse and produce documentation for the Sales Orders that you issue to your customers. The module is fully linked to the Sales, Stock Control and Invoicing Modules meaning that any unique pricing and discounting options are automatically carried over to any sales orders created. Profit margins are displayed for individual line items and also for the overall value of the order. The module is also backed by fully-featured reporting options.
Provided there is sufficient product availability in the Stock Control module products can be either manually or automatically allocated to a sales order. Once the order is allocated it can then be despatched. This despatch process will then automatically create an invoice for the goods despatched in the Invoicing module. This process can be done on a Part Despatch basis with multiple invoices and delivery notes or only when all of the required products are in stock and fully allocated to the order.
Orders which have items containing components in the Stock Control module can be automatically converted to a Works Order if required, allowing the manufacturing process to be undertaken and the newly produced products to be booked into stock.
Recurring orders can be duplicated preventing the time consuming need for users to re-key information.
Sales Orders can be categorised by Analysis Code allowing you to report on Orders generated by Area, Sales Person or any other kind of analysis that your business may require.