Upsilon-ERP’s Stock Control Module allows you to keep track and analyse all aspects of your product base. The module features options for Product Categories, Units of Sale, Product Adjustments, Product Quarantine, Inter-Branch Stock Transfers and is backed by fully-featured reporting options.
Additionally, the Upsilon-ERP Stock Control Module supports the following functionality:
Each product added to the Upsilon-ERP products module has a complete transaction history displaying a full audit trail of all product movements; This means that you can keep track of your product movements quickly and easily.
The system also features a Bill of Materials option for each product listing. The Bill of Materials settings are then automatically linked to the Upsilon-ERP Works Orders Module.
Product categories can be created in the Product Categories option. Once your product base has been categorised these categories can then be linked to the customer discount option in Upsilon’s Sales Module. As well as this reports exist to list products by category as well as being able to filter the products grid by any specific category reference.
Units of sale can be created within the Unit of Sale option. Products can then be assigned multiple Units of Sale as required. Units of sale can then be selected when adding items in Upsilon’s Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Note, Pro-Forma Invoice, Purchase Order and Debit Note modules.