Upsilon-ERP Help System
Debit Notes Overview
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Debit Notes Overview


Upsilon-ERP’s Debit Notes Module allows you to create, analyse and produce documentation for the debit notes that you issue to your suppliers. The module is fully linked to the Purchase and Stock Control Modules meaning that any products previously ordered or manually entered into Products Supplier option automatically have their lead times, prices and discounts automatically carried over to any debit notes created. The module is also backed by fully-featured reporting options.

Reason Codes

Each item added to a debit note can optionally have a reason code applied to allow analysis and reporting of items returned to suppliers and the motive for the return. Custom Reason Codes can be created in the Reason Codes option to specifically fit your business requirements.

Duplicate Debit Note

Recurring debit notes can be duplicated preventing the time consuming need for users to re-key information.

See Also